Announcement – Warren Tu
When we started 300 Blankets, I never imagined that it would grow and accomplish as much as it has nine years later. I remember when we received our first delivery of blankets, my house was also our store room and I had to live with climbing over boxes to get in and out of my room. Our priority has always been focused on our friends on the street.
Nearly a decade on, I am so proud and honoured to have been a part of everything 300 Blankets has achieved – from becoming one of Victoria’s largest distributors of blankets, to serving thousands in our community through Outreach, Soul Kitchen and Ice-olation and bringing them hope and relief. There were so many bittersweet nights after beautiful chats, heartfelt hugs and giving out all of the blankets we had on us, that I often went home in tears wishing I could have done more.
Volunteering on the front line is so important, and it is at the heart of why we exist. I am thankful to all of the incredible people who have supported our mission by generously donating their time. And it is because of this ethos that I will be stepping down from my role as President of 300 Blankets. Earlier this year, my wife Joy and I were blessed with our beautiful baby Sophie. Being a father is the most precious role I have ever undertaken and I am loving every moment of it. What I thought would be a tough decision was actually one of the easiest. 300 Blankets does not belong to any one person but the community we serve. It would be unfair for both my family and 300 Blankets if I was to try to divide my time and attention. I see the responsibility of the President as a very active role and the person bestowed this role must be on the front line to love and care for people.
I have complete faith that our next President, Peter Royce, will take on this new responsibility with honour and humility. I am also thrilled that Susan Hendra has accepted the role as Vice President and have no doubt 300 Blankets will thrive under their leadership. And while I may not be the President anymore, I will continue to be on the board and volunteer, because I will always want to help keep our community warm.
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